
The Peru Trip

I just spoke to Dr. Isard on the phone. The medicines are still in customs in Lima, Peru. Please continue to pray that the medicines will be released and distributed to the patients in Tarma.

884 patients were seen and 550 made professions of faith.

Student nurses helped with vital signs.

Mrs. Bitsey helped Sarah, RN with vital signs. Sarah was a real trooper. She had anticipated working in the pharmacy; however, since the medicines were still in customs, she took vital signs, a task performed with a machine in the States.

Donald, medical doctor with Lili his wife and translator.

Dr. Isard, director of Baptist Medical Missions International.

DeWana BoBo, nurse practitioner. Mrs. Mammie helping with translation.

There were four of us seeing patients. Jim Earl, physician assistant.

Team members from the States. (Left to right) Donald, Lili, Mammie, Bitsey, Sarah, DeWana, Jim, Dr. Isard


Seeing Patients in Tarma

This is a young patient from Tarma. She is dressed for the c0ld. She is as kind and loving as she is cute. We have been overwhelmed with the kindness and love of the people in this city.
We arrived in Lima and drove by bus to Tarma Saturday. It took us a 1-2 days to get acclamated. We went to church at Iglesia Biblica Bautista de Tarma Sunday. Donald preached Sunday morning and Jim Earl preached Sunday night. There were two professions of faith.

We have seen almost 600 patients in two days. We plan to see patients this morning, approximately 200. We need to edit our notes to fit the exact medicine and strengths now that we know what medicines we have. Dr. Isard and Pastor Paul spent Monday and Tuesday morning trying to get the medicines released to no avail.



(Click on image to view.)
Tarma is a city in the Junin Region of Peru. Tarma is the capital city of the Province of Tarma, and is also called the Pearl of the Andes. The city is located at an elevation of around 3000 m. or about 8,000 feet. The regional population is around 123,350 inhabitants while the city of Tarma has a population of 60, 542.
To find Tarma on the map, locate Lima along the Pacific coast near the center of Peru. Then travel eastward into the mountains and you will find Tarma.


Upcoming Peru Trip

Donald, Lili, and Sarah will be off to Tarma, Peru with the Baptist Medical Missionary International group August 29th. We will return September 4th.



Jason left for La Ceiba, Honduras on July 6th to participate in an Engineers with a Mission trip through Baylor University. He stayed almost 4 weeks and returned to Texas on July 31st. The team of engineering students, along with their professor and his family, worked on installing a hydroelectric generator in a river near the small mountain village of Danta Uno. They worked to supply power to this small village and hired some of the local families to manage the facility and run the business end of it.

Much of the first part of the trip was spent taking measurements, mapping the coordinates of the village homes and preparing the generator site.

The team stayed in a 3 bedroom house in La Ceiba. The house served as living quarters as well as the project's nerve center.


The team of mechanical and electrical engineering students and their professor, along with some of the children of the local pastor, hiked 3 miles to the remote village of Pueblo Nuevo to make repairs on the system that was installed by last year's team. The rains had made the driving roads nearly impassable even with a 4 wheel drive vehicle. They started the hike by crossing the "hammock bridge". The villagers call it this because of its shape, however, it is actually made of rebar and wood.

Some of the local men who had been maintaining the system worked alongside the team making repairs. This was utilized as an opportunity to teach them more on how to maintain the sytem after the team goes back home.

The team had to spend the night at the church there before finishing their work and returning to La Ceiba the next day.

The generator had to be taken back to La Ceiba for repairs. Because it weighed nearly 200 lbs, it had to be carried on horse back.


The team also did some fun things together while in Honduras. One day they went white water rafting.

They also took a canopy tour. This began with a nature hike where they were encouraged to taste "wild food" such as termites and a rectangular shaped banana.

Then they were treated to a ride on the zip line over the river.

And of course, there was some fun times cooling off at the beach. You can see how close the mountains are in the background.

The scenery was awesome as well.